FMR 4 : published April 1999

Security at Work


Feature articles

NGO field security by Randolph Martin

Security training: where are we now? by Koenraad Van Brabant

Crayons and security by Sue Dwyer

Security in ICRC field operations by Philippe Dind

Acompañamiento in Colombia: international human rights protection of IDPs by Luis Enrique Eguren

General articles

Homogenising humanitarian assistance to IDP communities (a cautionary note from Sri Lanka) by Simon Harris

Urbanisation and its discontents: urban refugees in Tanzania by Marc Sommers

The Itaparica Dam Project in north-eastern Brazil: models and reality by John Horgan


How tense is the tension between the refugee concept and the IDP debate? by Bonaventure Rutinwa

What may be borrowed; what is new? by Mihael Kingsley-Nyinah

Rights and borders: a reply to Michael Barutciski by Jon Bennett

Protection and assistance for IDPs - a reply to Michael Barutciski by Marc Vincent

Questioning the tensions between the 'refugee' and 'IDP' concepts: a rebuttal by Michael Barutciski