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Mini-feature on COVID-19: early reflections

The four articles in this FMR mini-feature offer preliminary reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic. Two articles highlight the central role that refugee-led organisations are playing in responding to the consequences of the outbreak, and emphasise the pressing need for the international refugee system to recognise and support refugee-led organisations, during but also – critically – beyond the pandemic. Another two articles focus on the need for robust, timely data to inform authorities’ responses to the pandemic, and explore how challenges in securing data during the pandemic are driving innovation.

This 12-page mini-feature is available online in English at both within the full magazine and as a standalone A5-format PDF.

We would like to thank the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, UNHCR and the Australian Research Council Linkage project ‘Transformative human mobilities in a changing climate’ for their generous funding support for this particular issue of FMR.

Refugee-led responses in the fight against COVID-19: building lasting participatory models
Alexander Betts, Evan Easton-Calabria and Kate Pincock (University of Oxford / ODI)

By refugees, for refugees: refugee leadership during COVID-19, and beyond
Mustafa Alio, Shaza Alrihawi, James Milner, Anila Noor, Najeeba Wazefadost and Pascal Zigashane (Jumpstart Refugee Talent / Global Refugee-led Network / Carleton
University / Asia Pacific Network of Refugees / URISE Initiative for Africa)

Counting urban refugees during COVID-19
Florence Lozet and Evan Easton-Calabria (Cities Alliance / University of Oxford)

Supporting evidence-driven responses to COVID-19
Domenico Tabasso (Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement)
