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With the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sounding the loudest warnings yet, this issue of FMR urges all actors to collaborate in the monumental task of addressing the impacts of the climate crisis on human mobility.

Over recent years, numerous commitments have been made and frameworks for action established but, as one of our lead authors says, “we are yet to change course”. We all know that action is needed urgently, and this issue includes many examples of how to move from commitment to action. The relationship between climate change and displacement has been the focus of several previous FMR issues – FMR 31, 49 and 64 – which you can read on our website at

This issue also includes three ‘general’ articles on other topics: the Women, Peace and Security Index; cash transfers for Syrians in Turkey; and the need for a trauma-informed approach in provision of asylum accommodation centres in the UK.

This magazine and the accompanying Editors’ briefing (which provides a summary of the content of the issue, plus a listing of articles with weblinks) are available online at Please share it widely, including the Arabic, French and Spanish editions. Follow us on social media (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) to be notified when the other language editions are available.

We would like to thank the following donors who are supporting this issue specifically: German Federal Foreign Office * Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, with the support of the European Union under the Pacific Response to Disaster Displacement project * International Organization for Migration * Platform on Disaster Displacement * Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung * UNHCR Office of the Special Advisor on Climate Action and the Division of International Protection. We also wish to thank our advisors to this issue, including Alice Baillat, Sarah Koeltzow, Atle Solberg and our International Advisors.

Our July 2022 issue will include a major feature on Knowledge, voice and power plus a shorter feature on Social cohesion in protracted displacement. To receive updates about this and future issues, please sign up for email notifications at

This is the last time that Marion is co-authoring the ‘From the Editors’, as she leaves FMR at the end of March after 28 years. Read her farewell message on page 84. We warmly welcome Olivia Berthon to the team as Deputy Editor!

With best wishes

Alice Philip and Marion Couldrey
Editors, Forced Migration Review