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From the Editors

The international conference on the Ten Years of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (‘GP10’) – held in Oslo, 16-17 October 2008 – assessed the accomplishments and shortcomings of the Guiding Principles since their launch in 1998. It also sought to generate increased political will to incorporate the Guiding Principles into national, regional and global frameworks and to encourage progress towards their practical implementation.

This special issue of FMR reflects discussions at the conference, with shortened versions of some of the conference presentations, and also includes a selection of other articles, most of which present case studies on the application of the Guiding Principles in different countries. Unfortunately, the number of IDP groups around the world is too great for us to acknowledge them all in this 40-page issue but we hope that the articles presented here will be relevant to and useful in other settings as well.

We would like to thank Khalid Koser (formerly of the Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement) and Christophe Beau (NRC/IDMC) for their invaluable assistance in preparing this special issue, and to thank all the contributors. The English edition is online at It will also be published in Arabic, French and Spanish.


Best wishes

Marion Couldrey & Maurice Herson
Editors, Forced Migration Review


This special issue has been produced with the support of NRC/IDMC, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement.