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From the editors

In recent years, some States have been pursuing increasingly restrictive policies and practices in order to deter refugees and asylum seekers from reaching their borders. Authors in this issue’s main feature discuss the emergence of these policies of ‘externalisation’, reflect on the consequences for people’s lives, and explore ways of challenging these developments, particularly where they result in human rights abuses.

In the second feature, authors examine the role of people’s mobility and agency in protracted displacement. Researchers from the Transnational Figurations of Displacement (TRAFIG)* research project present case-studies from a range of countries to show how displaced persons’ mobility and their translocal networks can provide important resources in their search for durable solutions.

We would like to thank Jeff Crisp for his assistance with the main feature, and colleagues at TRAFIG for their collaboration on the second feature. Thank you to all our donors, both those who have given financially towards this issue specifically and those who support FMR on an ongoing basis so that we can continue to make learning and information about forced migration accessible to all.

This magazine and the accompanying Editors’ briefing are available online at A selection of articles from the issue will also be available in Arabic, French and Spanish online. Print copies will be available in English only. 

Our March 2022 issue will focus on Climate crisis: from commitment to action. Our July 2022 issue on Knowledge, voice and power will explore how and where research, insights and experiences, particularly those developed in regions most affected by displacement, are communicated, heard and valued. Call for articles at Deadline for submissions: 15 February.

Interested in writing for FMR? Read our new guidance for authors at

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With best wishes

Alice Philip and Marion Couldrey
Editors, Forced Migration Review


* This feature has been supported with funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant no 822453.