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This issue will go online and to print while the UK is still gradually easing its lockdown. We know that many of our readers will be living and working in very difficult circumstances, and we extend to you our warmest wishes.

Unusually, this issue of FMR includes two main feature themes, one on Climate crisis and local communities and one on Trafficking and smuggling, plus a ‘mini-feature’ on early reflections on COVID-19 in the context of displacement.

Climate crisis and local communities: Local communities around the world have been coping with the effects of a changing climate for decades. This feature focuses on the impact on local communities, their coping strategies, lessons arising, and broader questions of access, rights and justice. (A future issue will focus on international response and policy.)

Trafficking and smuggling: Since we published an issue on human trafficking in 2006, increased reporting of both trafficking and smuggling has triggered renewed attention around the growing impact of, and the links between, these related but distinct phenomena. This feature explores some of the current challenges, misconceptions, insights and innovations in these fields.

COVID-19 – early reflections: Four articles offer preliminary reflections on the pandemic, focusing on the role of refugee-led organisations and the need for data to inform responses.

We would like to thank Carmela Buehler (Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs), Khalid Koser (GCERF) and Roger Zetter (Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford) for their assistance as advisors to the feature themes. We would also like to thank the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Manila, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, UNHCR Division of Resilience and Solutions and the Australian Research Council Linkage project ‘Transformative human mobilities in a changing climate’ for their generous funding support for this particular issue of FMR.

FMR 64 formats online at

  • Full magazine
  • Editors’ briefing (headline analysis of content)


For printed copies, please email us at

Plus: see our thematic listings on Climate change and Trafficking. These provide quick access to FMR articles (and full issues) on these

Forthcoming issues: see or back cover.

With best wishes

Marion Couldrey and Jenny Peebles
Editors, Forced Migration Review


FMR 64 has been sponsored by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Forced Migration Review and does not necessarily reflect the position of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.


Front cover images:

Top left
Credit: Project Survival Media/Joe Lukhovi

See page 11 for full image.

Bottom right
Credit: Nadia Sebtaoui

See page 64 for full image/caption.