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Sexual violence

We are grateful for funding support from UNFPA, the European Commission, Belgian Development Cooperation, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Austrian Development Agency, Concern Worldwide, Oxfam Novib, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the World Food Programme. Thanks to their generosity we are able to significantly increase our usual print runs in order to contribute towards improving international understanding of the nature of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and how to combat it. This issue has also been published in French, Arabic and Spanish.

FMR and UNFPA would appreciate help to maximise impact

If you would like to receive a hard copy for your organisation, or multiple copies for distribution to partners and policy- and decision-makers, please contact the Editors. We will need your full postal address and indication of how many copies and which language issue you require.

We encourage you to circulate or reproduce any articles in its entirety but please cite

This issue of FMR is complemented by a Forced Migration Online guide to GBV resources.

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