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front cover revised

Being young and out of place

This issue of FMR will be available online in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Please note that it will be available in print in English only.

Unfortunately, we have failed to raise sufficient funding for this theme and for that reason we are currrently only able to print this issue in English, rather than in all four of our usual languages. The French, Arabic and Spanish editions will be available but only online. We apologise to all those who use these language editions for sharing research, learning and debate in non-English-speaking areas of the world. If your organisation could help fund the printing and dissemination for one of the other language editions, please do get in touch with us as soon as possible at

FMR40 Listing is a 4-sided expanded contents listing of all articles in this issue of FMR. It provides for each article: the title, the author(s) and their affiliation, the introductory sentences and a link to the full article online. It will be available online IN ALL LANGUAGES, and available in print in English (and probably Spanish).

Requesting copies

If you do NOT usually receive a print copy (of FMR or FMR Listing) and would like to receive a copy for your organisation, or you require multiple copies for distribution to partners and policy/decision-makers or for use at conferences/workshops, please contact the Editors at  (Please note that we prefer to provide the shorter Listing if large numbers are required for conferences and training.)

If you would like print copies of the full issue, and could make a contribution (perhaps £30 / $50) to the cost, please donate online at  This will help enable us to keep on producing FMR in print.

We encourage you to circulate or reproduce any articles in their entirety but please cite Forced Migration Review issue 40

We would like to thank Cécile Mazzacurati (UNFPA) and Jason Hart (University of Bath) for their invaluable assistance as special advisors on the feature theme of this issue. We are also very grateful to Save the Children, UNICEF, Invisible Children, the Norwegian Refugee Council/Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre and the Haiti Adolescent Girls Network/IPPF-WHR for their funding support for this issue.

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