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Economies: rights and access to work


This issue of FMR will be available online and in print in English, Arabic, Spanish and French. The English versions of articles are also available in audio format.

Also available is the FMR 58 digest for easy online access to all the articles published in FMR 58. This provides for each article: the title, the author(s) and their affiliation, the introductory sentences and links to the full article online. The digest will be available online and in print in English, Arabic and Spanish (but not in French this time).

New: Above you will also find a 4-sided Editors’ briefing (in A4 format) which provides an overview of the content of the feature theme on Economies, with hyperlinks to all articles.

The Refugee-led social protection mini-feature is available as a separate 16-page PDF, online in English, Arabic and French, and in print (in English only). See reading/download options above.

The Humans and animals in refugee camps mini-feature is also available as a separate 16-page PDF, online in English, Arabic and Spanish, and in print (in English only). Again, see reading/download options above.

The mini-feature on Syrians in displacement: work and economies is available as a separate 16-page PDF, online and in print in English and Arabic. See reading/download options above. These articles are drawn from FMR issue 58 but all relate specifically to displaced Syrians.

If printing out the magazine, digest or mini-feature, please note that they are all published in A5 format (half of A4). In order to print them out properly, please use your printer’s ‘Booklet’ setting.

Requesting copies: If you would like to receive a copy of the magazine, digest or mini-feature/s for your organisation, or if you require multiple copies for distribution to partners and policy/decision makers or for use at conferences/workshops, please contact the Editors at We will need your full postal address. (We prefer to provide the digest if large numbers are required for conferences and training, to save on postage costs.)

Please disseminate this issue as widely as possible by circulating to networks, posting links, mentioning it on Twitter and Facebook and adding it to resources lists. We encourage you to circulate or reproduce any articles in their entirety but please cite: Forced Migration Review issue 58 

We are grateful to the following for their financial support for this issue: ESRC-AHRC (Economic and Social Research Council and Arts and Humanities Research Council) Global Challenges Research Fund, the Global Program on Forced Displacement of the World Bank Group, Mercy Corps, UNHCR Division of Resilience and Solutions (Livelihoods Unit) and the Wellcome Trust.

FMR 58 cover photo
A 27-year-old Burundian refugee and former truck driver in front of his grocery shop, Kashojwa village (Nakivale settlement), Uganda. [UNHCR/Frederic Noy]

In selecting the cover image, we debated whether it was too stereotypical, and if we should instead use an image reflecting new work technologies, or global organisations run by refugees, or validation of refugee qualifications… But in the end, as no image could reflect all the aspects explored in this issue, we opted for this one: not only a great photo but one that shows personal initiative in difficult circumstances.

Could FMR support your funding bid?

FMR has on occasion been included in successful programmatic and research funding bids, to the mutual benefit of all parties. If your organisation is applying (or is part of a consortium applying) for external funding, would you consider including FMR in your proposal narrative and budget, to support the dissemination of learning and results on your particular subject matter? We would welcome the opportunity to discuss this. Please contact the Editors at