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From the Editors

Many thanks to World Vision Canada for a generous grant towards the production costs of this issue on livelihoods. We are also grateful to UNHCR’s
Evaluation and Policy Unit (EPAU), especially Greta Uehling. Thanks also to Carrie Conway for her invaluable assistance in the earlier stages of preparation.

This issue introduces two innovations:
highlighting the feature section pages in order to more clearly separate theme from non-theme articles
■ a Speaker’s Corner: an opportunity for iconoclasts to ask difficult questions and puncture assumptions. Please contact us if you would like to step up to the soapbox and put your case.

Many thanks to all of you who returned our readership survey questionnaire. Your input has been extremely useful – and we were touched by your enthusiastic endorsements. As promised, we have drawn ‘out of the hat’ the name of a lucky winner: Refugee Resettlement Support of Christchurch, New Zealand. Congratulations! The books are already in the post to you! We will report survey results online and in FMR21.

Calls for papers for forthcoming issues are posted on our website at

FMR is still seriously short of funds and the future of the Arabic and Spanish editions remains in doubt. Many thanks to UNHCR, Christian Aid and the Feinstein International Famine Center (Tufts University) for easing our financial worries. Perhaps other agencies could follow their lead? Every little bit counts if we are to continue sending around 7,000 copies of FMR in three languages to readers in over 150 countries.

With best wishes

Marion Couldrey and Tim Morris
Editors, Forced Migration Review

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