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From the Editors

This issue could not have been produced without the assistance of Bandana Pattanaik, coordinator of the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women.
She has greatly helped to broaden our understanding of trafficking in persons and to ensure that the following articles cover aspects of the phenomenon – and responses to it – which are often sidelined.

The production and distribution costs of this issue have been supported by grants from Hivos (through GAATW International Secretariat), the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (UNIAP).

Those of you reading our magazine for the first time may be interested to know that FMR is published in English, Arabic, Spanish and French by the Refugee Studies Centre of the University of Oxford. It is distributed without charge to 174 countries and is online at If you would like to continue receiving hard copies of FMR please use the tear-off form on the back cover or contact us (details opposite). We will need to know your name, organisation’s name, full postal address and which language edition you wish to receive.

Apologies for the delay in getting this issue of FMR to you. Distribution of copies of FMR24 to Sudan and neighbouring countries was a complex and time-consuming challenge. Furthermore, the increasing number of articles in each issue of FMR inevitably makes greater demands on our time.

In order to reduce our costs, the Peace Studies Programme of the Social Scientists Association of Sri Lanka is now handling the printing and distribution of the English, Arabic and French editions of FMR.

FMR 26, to be distributed in August 2006, will focus on the displacement of Palestinians – and will be published together with a report on a conference on education in post-conflict reconstruction held in Oxford in April 2006. FMR27, to be published in December 2006, will focus on building the capacity of Southern governments and civil society to assist and protect displaced people. Deadline for submissions: 1 September. Information about future issues is at:

With our best wishes

Marion Couldrey & Tim Morris
Editors, Forced Migration Review