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Education is one of the most important aspects of our lives – vital to our development, our understanding and our personal and professional fulfilment throughout life. It is, as described by 23 displaced students who have co-authored one of the articles in this issue, the “key to life”. In times of crisis, however, millions of displaced young people miss out on months or years of education, and this is damaging to them and their families, as well as to their societies, both in the short and long term.

In this issue of FMR, authors from around the world debate how better to enable access to quality education both in emergency settings and in resettlement and asylum contexts. These authors represent governments, international donors, non-governmental organisations, UN agencies, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, academia, local education projects and a legal firm. And some of the authors have themselves experienced the challenges of learning and teaching while displaced.

The full magazine is online at, alongside our Editors’ briefing which provides a quick overview of the coverage of the issue and its principal points. Also available is our digest, which provides an expanded list of contents with QR codes and web links for individual articles. All articles are available individually in PDF, HTML and podcast formats.  

This issue will be available in English, Arabic, Spanish and French. Please share it widely. For printed copies, please email us at

We would like to thank Marina Anselme (RET International), Anthony Nolan (Save the Children International) and Jessica Oddy (Save the Children UK) for their assistance as advisors to the feature theme, and the following donors for their support of this issue: Dubai Cares, Jesuit Refugee Service, Oxfam IBIS, RET International, Southern New Hampshire University, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and UNHCR/Education Section.

Marion Couldrey and Jenny Peebles

Editors, Forced Migration Review