Lessons from internal climate migration in Mongolia
The Centre for Rural Development at Berlin’s Humboldt University recently conducted a study on the adaptation of rural livelihoods to structural and climatic changes in western Mongolia, and found that migration is one of the most common strategies implemented in…
From the editors
This issue will go online and to print while the UK is still gradually easing its lockdown. We know that many of our readers will be living and working in very difficult circumstances, and we extend to you our warmest…
Environmental challenges and local strategies in Western Sahara
Much of the attention paid to the Western Sahara conflict, particularly from the perspective of refugee and forced migration studies, has understandably focused on the Sahrawi refugee camps near Tindouf, Algeria. These camps were set up in 1975 following the…
Défis environnementaux et stratégies locales au Sahara occidental
L’essentiel de l’attention portée au conflit dans le Sahara occidental, surtout du point de vue des études sur la situation des réfugiés et de la migration forcée, s’est concentrée, à juste titre, sur les camps de réfugiés sahraouis à proximité…
Le retour en Italie des requérants d’asile vulnérables : la protection des victimes de traite
En vertu du Règlement de Dublin III[1], un État membre de l’UE peut demander à un autre État membre de ré-accueillir un requérant d’asile qui a déjà déposé une demande dans son premier pays d’asile. L’application de ce Règlement impose…
Trafficking, ritual oaths and criminal investigations
Oaths play a crucial role in Nigerian trafficking networks. By sealing the pact between women who want to migrate to Europe and their traffickers, oaths strengthen the ties between women and their traffickers, their family and the spirit world. Through…