FMR 72 – Ukraine: Insights and implications
The war on Ukraine has caused forced displacement on a scale and at a speed not witnessed in Europe since World War II. This issue seeks to address questions that have arisen out of the crisis, reflecting on the lessons learned from the immediate response and the implications for the international refugee and asylum system.
FMR 72 in Ukrainian – Текст вебсторінки журналу FMR номера 72
Війна в Україні спричинила вимушене переміщення в таких масштабах і з такою швидкістю, яких Європа не бачила з часів Другої світової війни. У цьому номері журналу розглядаються питання, що виникли в результаті кризи, аналізуються уроки, винесені з негайного реагування, і наслідки для міжнародної системи біженців і притулку.
From the Editors
The war on Ukraine has caused forced displacement on a scale and at a speed not witnessed in Europe since World War II. This issue seeks to address questions that have arisen out of the crisis, reflecting on the lessons learned from the immediate response and the implications.
The war on Ukraine has uprooted people and wrought hardship, separation and suffering on millions of households on an epic, historic scale. Social theorists have long noted that disasters have a paradoxical tendency to bring out the best in humanity, providing ‘a glimpse of who else we ourselves may be and what else our society could become.’ The range of topics covered in this special edition on Ukraine attest to how much has been accomplished – but also to the challenges that lie ahead.
Ukrainian youth and war: how to turn fears into strengths?
Youth in Ukraine are supporting each other and their communities. Their experiences offer insights and coping strategies for all those dealing with the challenges of war.
Implementing the Temporary Protection Directive
The lessons that have emerged from the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive have implications far beyond the Ukraine refugee crisis.
A Dutch community’s creative collaboration to host Ukrainian refugees
A local municipality, a faith-based organisation and a secular grassroots organisation have combined their strengths and capabilities to provide for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands.