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Public health and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) have rarely been as much in the spotlight as they have been since the global COVID-19 pandemic began in late 2019, making our main feature particularly timely. Although a number of articles focus on the pandemic, this feature covers a broader range of topics, from practical improvements to WASH services in camp settings to community engagement around health issues in displacement crises.  

The second feature focuses on non-signatory States and the international refugee regime, with authors examining the implications for protection when States are not signatories to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (and/or its 1967 Protocol). In particular, authors explore the role of UNHCR, civil society and legal actors in facilitating access to protection in States such as Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Thailand, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon.

We would like to thank Michelle Farrington and Ryan Schweitzer for their assistance on the public health and WASH feature, and Maja Janmyr for her partnership on the non-signatory States feature. We would also like to thank all those who have provided funding support.

This magazine and the accompanying Editors’ briefing are available online at The issue will also be available in Arabic, French and Spanish. Print copies will be available in English and Arabic but not in French or Spanish; we hope readers will take advantage of the online versions on this occasion.

Forthcoming themes:

In October we will publish an issue with a major feature on Externalisation, plus a short feature (in partnership with the TRAFIG research project) on the role of mobility and networks in situations of protracted displacement. We are currently welcoming expressions of interest for the March 2022 feature on ‘Climate change: from commitment to action’. In September we will launch a call for articles for the July 2022 feature on ‘Localisation of knowledge production’, looking how and where research, insights and experiences, particularly those developed in regions most affected by displacement, are communicated, heard and valued. Details at


With best wishes

Marion Couldrey and Alice Philip
Editors, Forced Migration Review