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Public health and WASH / Non-signatory States and the international refugee regime

Non-signatory States feature launch event recording


The magazine and accompanying Editors’ briefing will also available online in Arabic, French and Spanish. To receive an alert when your chosen language goes online, click here to sign up. 

FMR 67 will be printed in English and Arabic. If you require printed copies of this issue (and/or the Editors’ briefing) in particular then please email telling us how many copies you require of which product and in which language, plus your full postal address.

Please disseminate this issue as widely as possible by sharing with your networks, including on social media. We encourage you to circulate or reproduce any articles in their entirety but please cite: Forced Migration Review issue 67

We are grateful to Michelle Farrington and Ryan Schweitzer for their assistance on the public health and WASH feature, and to Maja Janmyr for her partnership on the non-signatory States feature. We would like to thank all our regular donors for their generous support, and the following donors for supporting FMR 67 specifically: Durham University, FORMAS grant #2017-01941,  European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 2019, grant number No 851121), International Organization for Migration, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, UNHCR and UNICEF.

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