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Numéro spécial – Mobilisation pour les droits dans la région MENA

Dans ce numéro spécial intitulé « Mobilisation pour les droits dans la région MENA », nous nous penchons sur la manière dont les gens travaillent pour garantir le respect et renforcer les droits des migrants forcés au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Comme l'indique l'article d'introduction, « les auteurs soulignent l'importance des actes de mobilisation dans des lieux et des contextes différents. Cependant, ils n'hésitent pas à évoquer les nombreux obstacles auxquels se heurtent souvent ces efforts. »
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FMR 71 – Socio-economic integration: towards solutions for displaced people

The quest for socio-economic integration, for both forcibly displaced people and host communities, raises fundamental questions for all those involved in forced migration policy, practice and research about how displaced people can live with autonomy and dignity. The authors in FMR 71 share new perspectives on socio-economic integration that we hope can lead to a concrete and transformative shift in approaches. They reimagine the role of integration in responses to displacement, at a significant time of global change marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, urgent climate-related pressures and ongoing digital transformation. Most importantly, this issue includes displaced people’s voices and strategies in working towards solutions.
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FMR 70 – Conocimiento, voz y poder

Las personas que han vivido el desplazamiento necesitan que se les escuche. Sus perspectivas, estrategias y soluciones deberían estar en el centro de los debates sobre políticas y prácticas. Los autores de este número reflexionan sobre los progresos realizados, pero también sobre el camino que queda por recorrer. Cuestionan las actitudes, ponen de manifiesto las injusticias y hacen recomendaciones prácticas para el cambio. We are very grateful to the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) for their partnership on this issue and for the generous financial support of both the International Development Research Centre of the Government of Canada and LERRN (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)). Forced Migration Review issue 70 includes a major feature on ‘Knowledge, voice and power’ exploring issues of representation, influence, privilege, access, discrimination and more. The issue also includes a feature on ‘Social cohesion in refugee-hosting contexts’, exploring the role of social cohesion in contexts of protracted displacement, with a particular focus on Kenya and Lebanon. It has been produced with the financial support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the Jesuit Refugee Service.
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FMR 70 – Knowledge, voice and power

People with lived experience of displacement need to be heard. Their perspectives, strategies and solutions should be at the centre of discussions about policy and practice. The authors in this issue reflect on progress made but also on the road still to travel. They challenge attitudes, highlight injustices and make practical recommendations for change. We are very grateful to the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) for their partnership on this issue and for the generous financial support of both the International Development Research Centre of the Government of Canada and LERRN (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)). Forced Migration Review issue 70 includes a major feature on ‘Knowledge, voice and power’ exploring issues of representation, influence, privilege, access, discrimination and more. The issue also includes a feature on ‘Social cohesion in refugee-hosting contexts’, exploring the role of social cohesion in contexts of protracted displacement, with a particular focus on Kenya and Lebanon. It has been produced with the financial support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the Jesuit Refugee Service.
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FMR 70 – Savoirs, voix et pouvoir

Les personnes ayant une expérience vécue du déplacement doivent être entendues. Leurs perspectives, leurs stratégies et les solutions qu’elles préconisent devraient être au centre des discussions à propos des politiques et des pratiques sur le sujet. Les auteurs de ce numéro se penchent sur les progrès réalisés, mais aussi sur le chemin qu’il reste à parcourir. Ils remettent en question les attitudes, soulignent les injustices et formulent des recommandations pratiques sur les manières d’aboutir à un changement. We are very grateful to the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) for their partnership on this issue and for the generous financial support of both the International Development Research Centre of the Government of Canada and LERRN (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)). Forced Migration Review issue 70 includes a major feature on ‘Knowledge, voice and power’ exploring issues of representation, influence, privilege, access, discrimination and more. The issue also includes a feature on ‘Social cohesion in refugee-hosting contexts’, exploring the role of social cohesion in contexts of protracted displacement, with a particular focus on Kenya and Lebanon. It has been produced with the financial support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the Jesuit Refugee Service.
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FMR 70 – المَعارفُ والرَّأي والقُوَّةُ

يَحتاجُ الأشخاصُ الذينَ عاشوا تَجرِبَةَ النّزوحِ إلى أن يُستمعَ لصوتِهم. إنَّ وجهاتِ نظرِهم واستراتيجياتِهم وحلولَهم حول السياساتِ والممارساتِ يجبُ أن تكونَ في صلبِ المناقشات. ويفكِّر الباحثون مَلِيًّا، في هذا العددِ، فيما يتعلق بالتقدم الذي أُحرِز حتى الآن، وكذلك فيما يتعلق بالطريق التي ما زال يتعيَّنُ السفر فيها. إنَّهم يَتَحَدَّونَ السُلوكِيّاتِ القائِمةَ، ويُلقونَ الضَّوءَ على حالاتِ الظلمِ ويقدِّمون توصياتٍ من أجلِ التغيير. We are very grateful to the Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN) for their partnership on this issue and for the generous financial support of both the International Development Research Centre of the Government of Canada and LERRN (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)). Forced Migration Review issue 70 includes a major feature on ‘Knowledge, voice and power’ exploring issues of representation, influence, privilege, access, discrimination and more. The issue also includes a feature on ‘Social cohesion in refugee-hosting contexts’, exploring the role of social cohesion in contexts of protracted displacement, with a particular focus on Kenya and Lebanon. It has been produced with the financial support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the Jesuit Refugee Service.
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FMR 69 – Climate crisis and displacement: from commitment to action

Forced Migration Review issue 69 includes a major feature on ‘Climate crisis and displacement: from commitment to action’ in which authors examine how high-level policy commitments can be translated into concrete action in order to address the impacts of the climate crisis on human mobility. The issue also includes three articles on other topics: women, peace and security in displacement; cash transfers in Turkey; and asylum accommodation in the UK.
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